Tantalizing Testimonials
This course helps you upgrade your testimonials so you never get that generic "It was great" response and much more specific, tantalizing testimonials that tell a story.
This mini-course helps you:
- Decide exactly what you want and need your testimonials to express in order to attract prospective clients and get them to trust you so they buy your offer
- Different ways to capture your testimonials that doesn’t waste time and energy for you or your clients
- Know exactly what to capture with your testimonial so your prospective clients instantly see themselves in your past clients experiences / challenge
- Consider different ways to share your testimonials across different platforms to create the biggest impact
- What to ask your clients with sample questions so you capture tantalizing content for your testimonials
It includes:
- 10+ mini-modules on what tantalizing testimonials include, how to craft them and where to use them for best effect
- A checklist of exactly what you need to do
- A workbook to help you implement your own aligned process to capture tantalizing testimonials within a week
For years I’ve been sharing my Tantalizing Testimonials Workbook with my 1:1 and Mastermind clients which they’ve all really loved. Recently when discussing their next steps with a client I realised everyone should have access to this because it’s fundamental to providing social proof, building trust and securing sales. Without testimonials (and good ones that go deep into expressing your unique magic as a coach, consultant or service providers) nobody really knows whether what you do actually works, is any good or worth purchasing.
So I turned my workbook into this super simple micro-course that helps you upgrade your testimonials and the way you capture them making it super simple for your clients and making sure you’re capturing their real feelings and experiences of working with you - which I know is fabulous!
This course helps you upgrade and improve your testimonials within a week.
Your Instructor
Kat Luckock, is The Social Entrepreneur Coach, a mum of two and a not-so secret chocoholic! She is passionate about supporting women to create powerfully purposeful businesses that are fully aligned to who they are and who they are becoming, whilst generating the wealth they need to pursue their ambitious vision for social or environmental change.
She has led multiple social impact organisations, including co-founding Solutions for the Planet in 2013 which inspires 11-14 year olds to take action on the social/environmental issues they care about most. Now as an alignment and business coach, Kat supports women to create wildly successful businesses with an aligned sales strategy that is unique to the way they want to live and work. Kat has helped hundreds of purpose-driven business owners connect to what they truly desire and gain confidence in their pricing, sales strategy and business model so they achieve their income + impact goals.
She is the Founder of Share Impact, host of the Creating Social Impact Podcast and an ICF qualified Coach.
Course Curriculum
StartWhat's the purpose of your testimonials?
StartWhat do you want your testimonials to say or express?
StartDifferent ways to capture the information for your testimonails
StartWhat to include with your testimonials
StartWhat to ask with sample questions
StartWhere to use your testimonials
StartDifferent ways to share your testimonials
StartBuilding a bank of testimonials